SME Village


Active SMEs in industrial biotechnology and the bioeconomy

If you are an innovative industrial biotechnology SME developing next generation products or processes, you should be part of the SME Village at EFIB 2023 in Rotterdam. Take advantage of an exhibition pod and delegate ticket at an SME-friendly price of €650, as well as full access to sessions and the partnering platform. If you have fewer than 50 employees and are less than 10 years old, apply today! Deadline September 29.

The hottest prospects are selected for Start Up Hour elevator pitches.

SMEs that qualify as start ups will also be eligible for consideration for EFIB’s start up hour on October 23. If you have fewer than 10 employees and are less than 5 years old, there’s an added bonus for being part of the SME Village!

The SME Village is open to all SMEs and start-ups (see eligibility criteria below) via the registration process. Applications for the SME Village will close by September 22.

  • SMEs must be active within the development of novel biotech products or processes, including specialised digitalisation and excluding consultation.
  • SMEs are considered as fewer than 50 employees and less than 10 years old. Start-ups are considered as fewer than 10 employees and less than 5 years old.
  • Fee per SME Village position €650
  • 1 exhibition pod in the SME Village
  • 1 full delegate ticket including access to the 1:1 conference partnering
  • Consideration for the Start-up Hour on Day 1

Be part of the SME Village

Network with policy makers, companies and academia